Friday, September 7, 2012

Opening Reception at Open Space Gallery

Walk-in Crater as seen from the camera's point of view.

One of my contraptions, Walk-in Crater, will be exhibited beside the work of seven other artists at Open Space Gallery in Baltimore, MD. The show is titled Future Daze and an opening reception starting at 8:00 pm will be held Saturday, September 8th at Open Space Gallery.

"Walkin Crater" installed at Open Space Gallery

As the press release states, the work in the show examines contemporary reality by presenting investigations into and experiments with possible alternate realities or imagined future worlds.  

All is quiet in the crater, for now . . . .

Walk-in Crater is part of a series of contraptions that I have been making as an investigation into the nature of reality. For me, each piece in the series is a little reality experiment. I borrow heavily from the techniques developed by special effects artists to create fictional landscapes imagined on alien planets. I use that language of illusion-making to explore the connection between everyday reality and the fundamental structures behind reality as described by the physics of quantum mechanics and relativity.  In July 2012, I did a Q&A with Whitney Dail on her blog Jumpsuits & Teleporters (which, by the way, is an excellent resource for the overlap of science and art) and I talked a bit more about my interest in physics.