Detail from "Behind the Sky"
A couple of my pieces will hang in a group show entitled "Elevator to the Moon: Retro-Future Visions of Space" that will be on display at
Artisphere, April 4 to June 9, 2012. The exhibition is part of
Countdown to Yuri's Night, the fifth annual celebration in DC of the first human spaceflight.
Empty gallery after my MFA thesis exhibition.
The last two months since my MFA thesis exhibition have been chaotic because I moved into a new apartment closer to DC. I had thought that moving out of my old apartment would make me sad, instead, it felt like an opportunity to begin again. My experience of de-installing my thesis show was similar. The collection of work on display represented two and a half years of labor. I thought that seeing the bare gallery after I had removed my artwork would leave me with a feeling of emptiness. Instead I left feeling confident that I could continue to create new work and put together another show.
For now, I am focusing my efforts on completing the written component of my MFA thesis that will document the meandering process of thought I traveled to arrive at my exhibition.
Both opportunities (empty gallery and new apt.) are blank slates...that's and exciting proposition to do it again bigger and better.